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Penalty Structure 2024-2025

The Penalty Structure is applied without consideration for any mitigating factors or the impact on the student.

Standard PenaltyPenalty if the Student Pleas
“In Violation” *(see below)
0 – 10%2 letter grade reduction in course
(i.e., grade of A becomes C; an S becomes a U)
1 letter grade reduction in course (i.e., grade of A becomes B; an S becomes a U)
> 10-20%3 letter grade reduction in course
(i.e., grade of A becomes D; an S becomes a U)
2 letter grade reduction in course (i.e., grade of A becomes C; an S becomes a U)
> 20-40%F (or U) in course3 letter grade reduction in course (i.e., grade of A becomes D; an S becomes a U)
> 40-50%F (or U) in course and 1 semester academic suspension from universityF in course; an S becomes a U
> 50%F (or U) in course and 2 semester academic suspension from universityF in course; an S becomes a U

Assignment weight is for the course.  Portions of assignments (e.g., one question of a ten-question examination) where an allegation has been made is an allegation for the entire assignment and should be weighted for the entire assignment.

Second findings of “In Violation” normally result in suspension or expulsion from the university at the discretion of the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies with or without a program recommendation.  Additionally, findings that are egregious due to the nature of the offense (not the weight of the assignment) are also subject to potential suspension or expulsion from the university, again at the discretion of the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Suspensions for Graduate Honor Code violations occur in the next semester of expected enrollment following the term in which the case is concluded.  Expulsions have an immediate effect, after the appeals process is exhausted.